Keep On, Keep On Creating

January 6, 2012 § 8 Comments

My car is named Ivy. She’s my first and only car that I have. There are a few things that need some fixing like a door side window that doesn’t close and open completely, a car horn that’s not functional, a front corner bumper attached with duct tape, wipers that like to choose when to work well, and a sound that increasingly is getting louder. Although it has some issues it continues to get me from point A to point B and this I’m thankful for. I could choose to put my resources towards the needed repairs or get a new car, but I’m choosing to put my resources and time toward my passions. One of these passions is leading a more creative life. Encouraged by the infographic below I have set a goal for myself this year.

Infographic designed by Jason Feifer

After taking the drawing figure class last year, my passion to make art has been renewed. I’m hoping to complete a creative project every week, which means I’m looking forward to 52 projects this year. As they are completed I hope to share them with you, dear Readers. If you would like to join me on this journey you could use the prompts presented here by Jeffrey Yamaguchi. This list could be helpful to guide you along your own creative journey.

With this goal I know it may mean staying up late to draw, sew, or write after a long day at work. It may even mean going out less so that I can spend the dollars on supplies, to attend creative workshops, or to travel. It may even mean Ivy will stay with me a little longer as I strive to pursue this passion of mine, but I believe it’s worth it. It’s worth it to spend my time and resources in a way that gives me joy. So, in this new year I’m keepin’ on, keepin’ on creating.

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